Wednesday, July 30, 2008


If you would have talked to me three months ago and told me I would be working twenty hour weeks packing goat cheese, I would have told you were were crazy. Now,  I am in it and... well I still find it a bit crazy. I actually love the hours and i get to hang out with The Chad, but part of me feels like I am loosing my summer. I just always run so hard during the school year and now i am not letting down, it just worries me and starting to worry everyone around me. :/ not the best thing.... I have however gained some new experiences this summer and met some really cool new people so I won't count it as a complete loss. I am really surprised that summer is already 1/2 over! It just doesn't even seem possible, but I am not really going to argue with time (i usually lose in that argument) I have noticed that I have created a dependency on music. It is actually hard for me to go through a week without music. That is what caused me to go out last night at 10 to Walmart to buy the new Coldplay CD and a Michael Buble CD. which is what I am listening to as I type. I guess everyone has their crutch, this just happens to be mine... at least one of them. I am really curious what the month of August has stored up for me. I am starting off on a pretty good note, catching up with a friend that has been out of the US for a year. Hanging out with a pretty cool girl that is eventually heading off to college. Lava Monster. Just awesome stuff coming my way. Just hoping I really stay alive now till next Summer, or at least till the end of this one.

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