Monday, March 2, 2009

The Final Countdown

Honestly, I cannot believe that in just 16 days 18 hours 10 minutes and 57 seconds, I will be inside the airport leaving for Africa! My mind still doesn't quite know how to process all this information. I am very excited to see what God has in stored coming up to the time. As of now, my mind rest on packing, I am still in need of a little bit more money, but God has been providing like crazy for me. I still need to get my medicine for the trip. The biggest thing is getting mentally ready for the trip. 


So far the meetings have been really good. I love my team, we are all quirky and fun and i really think that God chose this team because together we will be able to do so much. It will be fun to bond with my fellow team members, and I feel like i will probably always have a connection with these people just because this is really one of my first "real life" experiences, or so it feels. 


As for postcards that i promised. I am working on them as quick as i can and hopefully you will receive yours by the end of the week. Meanwhile here are things you can be praying for:


-Health for the team before we leave and while we are there

-Finances would be complete

- Our traveling through the airports, everything would go smoothly

- That our VBS and building would go well



Thanks for all your support! I will try to keep you more updated as the time comes even closer!




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